Dr Roy holds a PhD degree from Bose Institute, one of the oldest institutes in India. He has had seven years of research experience from The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH. Dr Roy is actively engaged in teaching & research in the areas of advanced techniques in Bioinformatics & Pharmainformatics, Genomics & Proteomics. In last eight years he has established a strong drug target identification research group at NIPER and several international collaborations, namely; “Leishmania target specific drug discovery project” funded by Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (ICPAR) and Parasite Group at the Biology of Infection and Immunology Unit at the IBMC in Porto.

His main fields of activities are:
Ray, R.E. Hector, N. Roy, J.H. Song, K.L.Berkner, K.W. Runge
Sir3p phosphorylation by the Slt2p pathway effects redistribution of silencing function and shortened lifespan.
Nature Genetics 2003, 33: 522-526.
S. V. Kharade, N Mittal, S. P. Das, P. Sinha and N. Roy
Mrg19 depletion increases S cerevisiae lifespan by augmenting ROS defence.
FEBS Letters. 2005, 579: 6809- 6813.
R. U. Kadam, V. M. Kiran and N.Roy 
Comparative protein modeling and surface analysis of Leishmania sirtuin: A potential target for antileishmanial drug discovery.
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2006, 16: 6013-6018.
R. U. Kadam, D. Garg, A. T. Paul, K. K. Bhutani and N. Roy
Evaluation of proinflammatory cytokine pathway inhibitors for p38 MAPK inhibitory potential.
J Med Chem. 2007 50: 6337-42.
R. U. Kadam, J. Tavares, V. M. Kiran, A. Cordeiro, A. Ouaissi and N. Roy
Structure function analysis of Leishmania sirtuin: an ensemble of in silico and biochemical studies.
Chem Biol Drug Des. 2008 71:501-6.
N. Mittal, N. Roy MM. Babu, SC. Janga
Dissecting the expression dynamics of RNA-binding proteins in posttranscriptional regulatory networks.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 106:20300-20305.
J. Tavares, A. Ouaissi, P. Kong Thoo Lin, I. Loureiro, S. Kaur,  N. Roy and  A. Cordeiro
Bisnaphthalimidopropyl derivatives as inhibitors of Leishmania SIR2 related protein 1
ChemMedChem. 2010 5:140-147.
Key Publications
Computational biology: Identification and validation of targets using microarray, proteomics and comparative genomics
QSAR and protein modeling: Identification and validation of small molecule inhibitors in silico.
Vipin Niar, Nilanjan Roy Novel androgen Receptor Modulators Provisional patent/Del/2009/ Filling Date 9th June 2009.
Rawat Diwan S, Sharma Mukul, Roy Nilanjan, Rohilla Rajesh K. “ Substituted Cyclohexane-1,2-Diamine Derivatives and Related Compounds as Antimicrobial Agents” Application No:1462/DEL/2008 Filling Date: July 02, 2008.
Roy, Nilanjan and Vineet Agrawal. CIDP; a method for screening recombinant clones Application No: 1648/DEL/2007 dated Aug 02, 2007.
Roy, Nilanjan and Pahwa, Sonia. Novel HIS4 gene from Geotrichum candidum Application No: 1115/DEL/2007 Filing Date: May 24, 2007.
Roy, Nilanjan.; Pahwa, Sonia.; Jain, Rahul.; Monga, Vikramdeep.; Sharma, Rohit Kumar.; Kadam, Rameshwar Uttamrao and Chavan, Archana Gopichand “A novel method for screening antifungal compounds targeted against fungal histidinol dehydrogenase” Application No: 1117/DEL/2007 Filing Date: May 24, 2007.
Roy, Nilanjan; Pahwa, Sonia; Jain, Rahul.; Monga, Vikramdeep.; Sharma, Rohit Kumar. and Rohilla, Rajesh Kumar. “Ring modified Imidazoles as novel antifungal compounds targeted against fungal histidinol dehydrogenase” Application No: 1116/DEL/2007 Filing Date: May 24, 2007.
Jain, R.; Monga, V.; Kaur, N.; Sharma, S. S.; Kumar, S.; Roy, N.; Majumdar, J.; Agarwal, S.; Pawar, C.; Kadam, R. U.; Chavan, A. CNS effective thyrotropin releasing hormone analogs. WTO Indian Patent Application No. 2065/DEL/2006 filing date Sep 2006.
N. Roy and S. Pahwa "Novel histidinol dehydrogenase from Geotrichum candidum". Indian patent application number 348/DEL/2006 filing date Feb 2006.
N. Roy, V. Agrawal, and U. C. Banerjee, "Recombinant AnigAP from Aspergillus niger van Teighem and use of thereof". Indian patent application number 20/DEL/2006 filing date Jan 2006.
A. K Bansal, N. Trasi, A. M. Kashal, U. C. Banerjee, N. Roy "A process for preparing a storage stable freezedried phytase composition". Indian patent application number 2557/DEL/2004 filing date Dec 2004.
Dr. Nilanjan Roy
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