My research interest is primarily in the area of Computational Molecular Biology, Computational Pathogenesis, Protein Structure Analysis and Biotechnology.

Projects currently working on:

Genomic neighbourhood and the regulation of gene expression - Subhajyoti De* and M. Madan Babu*. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, PDF, Extended version
An expanded Oct4 interaction network: implications for stem cell biology, development and disease - Pardo M*, Lang B*, Lu Y, Prosser H, Bradley A, M. Madan Babu* and Choudhary JS*. Cell Stem Cell,
Structure and Evolution of Transcriptional Regulatory Networks - Guilhem Chalancon* and M. Madan Babu* in Bacterial Stress Response (Ed: G Storz and R Henge; ASM press)
TAT-pathway dependent lipoproteins as a niche based adaptation in bacteria - Shruthi S, M. Madan Babu and K. Sankaran. Journal of Molecular Evolution
Transcriptional control of the quorum sensing response in yeast - Arthur Wuster* and M. Madan Babu*. Molecular BioSystems
Recent Publications
M. Madan Babu
M. Madan Babu, PhD 

Group Leader / Investigator 
MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology 
Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, United Kingdom 
University of Cambridge
Protein Families and Patterns in the Transcription Factor Regulatory Network in E. coli

In all organisms, there are cascades of transcription factors that regulate each other in order to amplify or diversify the effect of a signal on gene regulation. This is true even in simpler organisms such as the prokaryote E. coli, where the most complex known cascade involves four levels of transcription factors. To gain insight into the evolution and organisation of the transcription factor regulatory network in E. coli, we have looked at the transcription factor regulatory network from a structural and functional perspective.

Protein Families and Patterns in the Gene Regulatory Network in E. coli

Transcription factors (TFs) and the regulated genes in an organism form a complex network, which plays a central role in the functioning of the organism. In this study, we have looked at the gene regulatory network from a structural, functional and an evolutionary perspective in E. coli and we have compared it independently with the transcription factor regulatory network in E. coli.

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